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Int J Basic Sci Med. 2016;1: 13-17.
doi: 10.15171/ijbsm.2016.04
  Abstract View: 2375
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  Full Text View: 2453

Original article

Dynamic Recommendation: Disease Prediction and Prevention Using Recommender System

Mahdi Nasiri 1*, Behrouz Minaei 1, Amir Kiani 2

1 Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author: *Correspondence to: Mahdi Nasiri;, Email: nasiri_m@comp.iust.ac.ir


Background: In today’s world, chronic diseases are predominant health problems and cause heavy burden on society; therefore early diagnosis and even prediction of the disease is a way to reduce this burden. In this project, we tried to use recommender system to predict which other diseases a chronic patient is susceptible for.

Methods: In this study, through a dynamic recommender system, we evaluated patients’ treatment destiny during the time.

Results: It was shown that our method increased accuracy and reduced error compared with other recommendation methods in disease prediction.

Conclusion: Compared to current usual methods, in our method we used previous patients’ characteristics as one of the factorization variables to predict destiny of future patients. Furthermore, using this method, we can predict which complication or disease the patient would suffer from first in future. Therefore, we can manage policies toward disease burden reduction by implementing prevention programs.

Keywords: Recommender system, Disease prediction, Collaborative filtering, Data mining, Treatment

Please cite this article as follows: Nasiri M, Minaei B, Amir Kiani A. Dynamic recommendation: disease prediction and prevention using recommender system. Int J Basic Sci Med. 2016;1(1):13-17. doi:10.15171/ijbms.2016.04.
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